Dank aan gulle gevers! Actie loopt nog door!

Vanwege de coronalockdown in Oeganda , kwamen de grannies in grote moeilijkheden

Er is dringend behoefte aan o.a.voedsel en zeep en medische middelen .

We deden via facebook , de website en mails en apps naar onze familie ,vrienden en kennissen een dringende oproep voor steun .

Er is overweldigend gereageerd !

Maar ook veel sponsoren en  Max Maakt Mogelijk doneerden gelijk .

Geweldig !!

 Justine is druk bezig met het kopen en uitdelen van het voedsel voor de 1000 grannies .

Ook hebben we sister Rose van de noodzakelijke medische spullen kunnen voorzien


Hieronder vindt U een verslag van Justine , in het engels , maar zeker de moeite waard om te lezen .

Wat verzetten hij en zijn team toch ontzettend veel werk .


With the growing threat of the COVID-19 outbreak in Uganda and all over the world, the Ugandan government like others has been forced to declare nationwide shutdown as part of efforts to prevent the virus from spreading to other parts of the country.

With these directives from the government, it is recommended that every one young or old stay at home.

But for COVID-19, the disease caused by the new corona virus, older people that are especially vulnerable to severe illness, particularly those with pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, lung and heart disease or cancer are more likely to be more vulnerable and have severe infection from CORONA than any other age groups.

For older people with sufficient resources, the message is clear “stay home, stock up food and supplies or basic necessities and avoid group activities.

For Grandmothers in rural Jinja, this message is a night mare. They don’t have that luxury and ability to stock enough foods and other requirements and access medical supplies during the lock down and threat. They happen to be among the millions of low income seniors with no access to pension and insufficient resources. Most of their livelihoods and income opportunities are cut off by the need to keep safe at home. Until the pandemic eases, these grandmothers are cut off from a lot of services and their daily lives. These grandmothers face barriers to obtain essential food and supplies during lock down

To respond to this crisis, PEFO Sent out an appeal and received an emergency funding from Grannies2Grannies Netherlands and Max Maakt Mogelijk to provide medicine and food support to over 1000 grannies under PEFO care. PEFO working with authorized government agencies, running a door to door Emergency food support for over 1000 grandmother’s households under PEFO programme care for care givers. Each grandmother receives supplies including maize flour, Beans, soap, salt and medicine as need may arise. The food and medicine have been purchased and stored at PEFO offices.

The distribution of these items is being made to over 1000 grandmothers from 10 of the different grandmothers groups including Tusobola, Tulikilala, Akuwa-lukolo, Mukisa, Babonere-kwiffe, Annonya -Alaba, Balyeyidusa, Good hope, Basoka- kwavual and Bukade- magezi in Jinja District. Most of the granny households reached has had to survive on one meal a day saving the rest of the food for the unexpected days to come.

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